Towns and cities / Housing
Města, vesnice a život v nich / Bydlení

Maturita z angličtiny má i konverzační témata, na která je třeba se dobře připravit. V této lekci se zaměříme na Towns and cities a podíváme se na vzorové ukázky krátké promluvy na toto téma, užitečných frází a doplňujících otázek. Otázky vám pomůžou při tvoření bodové osnovy právě pro téma: Města, vesnice a život v nich


Jak na to?

  • pokuste se podat detailní, věcný a logický popis vašeho města nebo vesnice
  • řekněte čím je typické a které znaky typického města nebo vesnice nese
  • pokud se vám podaří z toho vyvodit i nějaký závěr nebo pointu, bude to ideální

Co radíme my

  • z následujících otázek a vzorových odpovědí si sestavte bodovou osnovu
  • podle osnovy si trénujte vyprávění a snažte se přemýšlet o tom, co říkáte
  • v žádném případě se nepokoušejte učit nějaké pasáže textu nazpaměť nebo vytvářet komplikovaná souvětí
  • celé vyprávění musí být na takové úrovni a takové obtížnosti, abyste byli schopni jej kdykoliv zopakovat


My town or village and its surroundings

We live in village by name ……………. This village have over two and half thousand people. Our village is a long and there are a lot of as detached houses so housing unites. In the village, nature is beautiful because of all the woods, lakes and fields. There are no factories, it is quite and the air is fresh. You can do anything there. You can do sports, grow flowers or keep domestic animals. People mostly live in detached houses with gardens around them where they can grow fruits and vegetabels.

Most people have to commute to towns as there are very few jobs available in the country. Shopping is mostly done in towns too, villages only have two stores with composite goods, one store as newsagent's, stationer's and drugstore in one and sweetshop and vegetables. There is a lot of cultural life as a theatre, a cinema, library and other cultural actions. We have a municipal office, two school primary school, one kindergarten and a lot of hobby groups. We have too two doctors and dentist. Old people can also use special services offered by retirement homes. In the country, we have a lot of sports usage as a gym, a sports hall, and a sportground and tennis court, volleyball court and a skatepark. There are a lot of sports groups as a football, a tennis, a volleyball, a hockey and others. 

another example

The Town Where I Live and Study

Pardubice is in the centre of the eastern Bohemia, about 100 km east of Prague. In 1990, this town celebrated its 650th foundation anniversary. The first mention about Pardubice dates back to the St. Bartholomew Church. Pardubice got the status of town in 1340. A famous person in that town was Arnošt of Pardubice, the first Czech archbishop. In 1491, Pardubice was bought by Vilém of Pernštejn. The Pernštejn built many lakes and a large castle. Beautiful Pernštejn square still reminds us of that time. Another well-known place in the centre of Pardubice is the Green Tower. Pardubice is called "a city of ginger bread". The ice hockey team of Pardubice often plays in the national league. Pardubice is the city of the steeplechase "Velká Pardubická" and national tennis cup of juniors.

The Golden Helmet is a speed way competition in a special stadium in Pardubice - Svítkov. Well known are also our city theatre, music hall and several cinemas in the centre of the town. There are also many chemical factories in our town, e. g. Semtín, Paramo, many research institutes and University of Pardubice I can say that Pardubice is a nice, exciting, big town but it is also noisy and polluted.

I think that the life in a village is nice and less noisy but a town gives more possibilities to young people to find a better job, to study, to visit theatres performances, various concerts and films

I live in a block of flats in a part of Pardubice called Dubina. It isn't far from the centre of the town. It takes me about 10 minutes to get there.

Living in a town or village


+ more comfortable, a lot of shops, services, better transport from part to part, close to school, work, more attractions, sport organisations
smog, pollution, noise, cars, a lot of people, no nature, just concrete (beton)


+ own house, you no everybody, nice nature, fresh air, no noise, cars
commuting to work, no services, sometimes boring, bad transport


My own house
The place I like most in my house is my room. Sometimes it's clean and tidy, warm, it's decorated in white and brown, the walls are very smooth, but there are some corners for example near skylight and it looks like very well, I like that view. I have 3 windows in my room so it's very light. It is situated to the south so in the afternoon the sun in shining through whole room. I have a bed, 2 bookcases, and 2 wardrobes with a radio. Under the skylight there is my table with a lamp, computer and printer. But the table is quite big so I still have a lot of space there. Next to the bet there is bedside table with a small lamp. I have no curtains there.
The place where the whole family live is the living room. We watch TV there, eat, sometimes sleep. It’s very uncomfortable to be there sometimes. I sit in the armchair and watch TV for example and whole family go through here every minute, they talk loudly, open and close doors…

Flat x House


+ smaller – less vacuuming, better for keeping tidy, they heat for you, warm the water, no garden
lack of place, a lot of people, no privacy, shared rooms, sometimes you have to pay for it, nothing to do


a lot of place, everybody has own room, no paying, garden,
a lot of cleaning, vacuuming, household duties, you have to heat yourself, look after the pavement, garden, you do everything yourself


Housing in Britain
When I was in GB I lived in a very small terrace house. On the ground floor there was an entrance hall, a kitchen with dining room, pantry (spižírna) and a small lumber-room (komora). In the first floor there were 2 bedrooms, bathroom with toilet and small living room with TV, video, sofa and armchair. There were some wardrobes and flowers there. Behind the house they had very small garden. You could go there from the kitchen. But the garden have maybe only 20 or 30 sq. m. There was only one small bush, a little reed (rákosí) and a few flowers. They didn’t have garage so they parked in front of the house. I haven't seen typical English green unfortunately. 


20 otázek na téma Towns and cities

Zkuste si v rámci přípravy odpovědět na následující otázky a použijte vše, co jste se dověděli v předchozích lekcích:

  1. Why do you like living in the city?
  2. What are some of the advantages of living in a city?
  3. What are some of the disadvantages of living in a city?
  4. Is your city a sprawling city?
  5. Do you know the neighbours who live near you?
  6. What's your favourite city? Why?
  7. What parts of your city do you like the most?
  8. Does your city ever have bumper-to-bumper traffic?
  9. Do you like the hectic pace of life in the city?
  10. Does your city have any areas with upmarket shops?
  11. What is the inner city like?
  12. What aspects of life in the city would you complain about?
  13. Are there any deprived areas in your city?
  14. What do you think should be done to improve living condition in cities?
  15. What are some differences between living in the city and living in a small town?
  16. What monuments of your city do you consider the most impressive?
  17. Which city's sports team do you cheer for?
  18. In what ways are people from cities different to people from small towns?
  19. What do you like about small towns?
  20. Have you ever visited a small town with rustic charm and quaint old buildings?

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kontrolní otázky

Kontrolní otázky...

  • If you want to sell or buy a house or a flat, you go to a place called ...
    • not really
    • right answer
    • ... no way
  • The opposite of "inner city" is ...
    • not only
    • YES, it can be both
    • not only
  • If we want to cross the street, we should use ...
    • wrong answer
    • Yes, correct
    • it's where two roads meet
  • The building where the head of a town or city has his/her seat is called ...
    • not the right answer
    • not correct
    • YES, correct answer
