Tell me a little bit about yourself.
Řekněte mi něco málo o sobě.
Ač se Vám možná tato otázka zdá extrémně snadná nebo zbytečná, velmi pravděpodbně ji během pracovního pohovoru uslyšíte. Je to otázka, které Vám nabízí volný prostor a čas, behěm kterého můžete prodat sami seba a svoje kvality potřebné pro danou pracovní pozici.
You should show your career in progress, probably starting with your background, noting your education and existing work experience. Explain your life steps and give some basic information about your plans for the future.
Since it is a question that is likely to appear in the interview – practise until you have it done cold.
Well, I grew up in a village not very far from Prostějov and than I went to school at the Masaryk University in Brno where I studied Business and management. I always knew that I would need some work experience after I finish the school so I started to work part-time as … and that was my first experience in the field of … . As I was a part of the team I developed my teamwork skills which I found quite useful in my following job with the company ZY. In the post of … I had to cooperate with other colleagues at the same position and it was also my first managing job. I was responsible for a team of 4 sales people and I learned to create and manage budgets as high as 2.5 mil. CZK. … so now I think that my skills and experience can make me a suitable candidate for a position in your company.

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