Články a rozhovory na procvičení tématické slovní zásoby

Seznam lekcí
Productive Life - Produktivní život
Tips to Direct Your Thoughts For a Productive Life
Airplanes and aircrafts - O letadlech
Ultralight Airplanes
Football and Fans - Fotbal a fandové
Are Football Clubs Owned By Fans The Future Of Football?
Environment & Pollution - Životní prostředí a jeho znečištění
Can Alternative Fuels Save The Environment?
Classical Music and Opera - Klasická hudba a opera
Classical Music - Not Just For OAPs
Manners - Způsoby
The Abc's of Good Manners
Cities and Villages - Města a venkov
Village in Pakistan vs Cities in Pakistan
Celebrities - Celebrity
Celebrities Who Blew it and Went Bankrupt
Accessories - Doplňky
Vintage Handbags - The Ultimate Fashion Statement!
Science and Technology - Věda a technika
How Science and Occult Science work
Law and crime - Právo a zločin
Michigan Race Discrimination Law
Health and Prevention - Zdraví a prevence
Red Wine Benefits – Improve Your Health
Education in the Czech Republic - Vzdělávání v České republice
Three stages of education in the Czech Republic
Earthquakes - Zemětřesení
Japanese Earthquake Engineering
Dreams - Sny
Warnings in Dreams
Generation Gap - Generační rozdíly
Digital Generation Gap
What makes a great chef - Co dělá dobrého šéfkuchaře
5 Ways To Become A Great Chef
Hobbies and free time - Koníčky a volný čas
Hobbies For Kids
Gestures - Gesta
Use Hand Gestures to Navigate Your Way Through Italy
Love, Dating & Marriage - Láska, randění a manželství
How to Meet Your Soulmate
Easter - Velikonoce
Easter - Is It A Christian Festival?
Management - Management
Functions Of Management
How to purchase a yacht - Jak si koupit jachtu
Brand New Or Used Yachts For Sale?